Please note: The safety and health of our campers, our staff and are of utmost importance to us. We are taking all measures set out by the CDC and Bright From The Start to offer a safe environment this summer camp season. We are applying an antimicrobial to all surfaces using an electro statistic fogger. The antimicrobial is EPA approved to be used against COVID-19 and is also effective against other viruses and bacteria, greatly reducing the chances of cross-contamination. Additionally, we have installed Air Scrubbers with a dual air filtration system in every classroom that will continuously filter the air from viruses, as well as other particles and pollutants at a rate of 400 Cubic Feet per minute. We have hand sanitizer upon arrival located in the fellowship hall and the lobby as well as handwashing sinks in every classroom. On-going hand washing and increased disinfecting will be strictly monitored. While this is a difficult time for all, with these precautions in place, we feel that getting our healthy children back on schedule is essential and in the best interest for social and emotional development.

Additional safety precautions include:

  • Teachers are required to wear masks
  • Temperature checks upon arrival and throughout the day
  • If a child or staff becomes ill, a doctor’s note is required before being allowed to return to school
  • Pick-up and drop-off in the Fellowship hall to reduce classroom exposure

Download our Coronavirus Business Continuity Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

How will ALC prevent sick staff and children from entering the building?

All Staff and children in our facility will be screened prior to entrance and will be excluded if any of the below are present:

  • A fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
  • Exhibit respiratory symptoms/signs of illness, which could include flushed cheeks, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing, fatigue, extremely fussiness.
  • Parents will not be allowed inside the building.

How will drop off and pick up be handled?

We will meet all parents and children at our fellowship hall double doors. There will be a daily check in station set up and a staff member will check temperatures and do a visual check. We will be using a touchless thermometer. Please be patient, as this process will take a bit longer than normal. Parents will be asked to kindly follow social distancing and not approach the check in area.

Can I come inside to drop off or pick up my child?

As outlined by Bright from the Start and Governor of Georgia, only ALC pre-screened staff members and campers are allowed into our facility. If you are running early or late, please call our main number at 404-256-3091 and an ALC staff member will walk your child outside. Please be patient as we might be assisting other children indoors.

What should I bring with my child each day?

  • Please leave ALL backpacks and extra toys at HOME
  • Please bring your child’s water bottle.
  • For Younger children needing a change of bottoms, please pack a change of clothes. We will hold on to this for the entire week and return on Friday. In case of accident we will return soiled clothes in a disposable bag (Please send a fresh set in the next day if this happens to your child).

Who will be wearing a mask at ALC?

Mask policies are as below:

  • All staff members are required to wear a mask when working with campers.
  • Campers are encouraged to wear a mask when in the classroom but not required. Parents kindly feel free to send your child with a mask. Please be sure to label your child’s mask. Kindly wash the mask daily if using the same one daily.

Cleanliness and Safe Hygiene in Restrooms

Restrooms will be sufficiently equipped with necessary sanitation products. All restrooms will be cleaned daily by our janitorial cleaning crew.

What if someone gets sick with COVID-19?

  • If a person who is in the building (staff or child) gets sick while at ALC, we will follow CDC guidelines for isolation until that person leaves the building. If the diagnosis is positive we will notify each family individually.
  • A. If a staff member or family member has been exposed to COVID-19 and has been told to self-quarantine, we will notify all families.
  • A. For all situations, we will follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting and quarantine time frames.

What about in-house field trips?

Unfortunately at this time, we do not feel comfortable allowing any of our ancillary providers (scheduled inhouse field trips and additional adults) to enter the facility. We will offer movie days, cooking projects, sand art table, etc. to replace the in-house field trips.

How will the camp groups be assigned?

We will follow our same small group size policy as before. We have a total of 3 instructional classrooms with small group sizes. We will stagger the placement of all children with one seat empty in between.

How will projects come home?

Instead of sending art work home daily, we will hold on to everything till the end of the week. We will bag everything up in Ziploc bags or large garbage bags until you feel comfortable bringing them into your home.