Tershana Brown

Early Preschool Lead Teacher

Tershana Brown has been with ALC since 2003 and has worked in childcare for over 30 years. In her spare time, Tershana likes to shop, clean her house, and spend time with her family. One thing that she loves about working in the childcare field is watching them grow and learn, as well as listening to the fun conversations between kids.

Ms. Louise

Early Preschool Assistant Teacher

Louise McLaughlin has been with ALC since 1999 and has worked in childcare for over 40 years. In her spare time, Louise spending time with her children and grandchildren. One thing that she loves about working in the childcare field is building a relationship with the children and their families.

Sandra Zeno

Preschool 1 Lead Teacher

Sandra Zeno has been with ALC since 2009 and has worked in childcare for over 34 years. In her spare time, Sandra likes to bake cookies, pies, and cakes from scratch. One thing that she loves about working in the childcare field is seeing the children learn and grow, as well as try new things on their own.

Victoria Duncan

Preschool 1 Assistant Teacher

Victoria Duncan has been with ALC since 2011 and has worked in childcare for over 18 years. In her spare time, Victoria likes to travel, cook, go shopping, and hiking. One thing that she loves about working in the childcare field is how the children embrace her every morning.

Preschool 1 Assistant Teacher

Shermeka Hughes has been with ALC since 2023 and has worked in childcare for over 7 years. In her spare time, Shermeka likes to cook and write. One thing that she loves about working in the childcare field is helping little brains grow to their fullest potential.

Preschool 2 Assistant Teacher

ShaQuaya Cushnie has been with ALC since 2022 and has worked in childcare for over a decade. In her spare time, ShaQuaya likes to sing, draw or create anything artsy, cook, and shop! One thing that she loves about working in the childcare field is being able to create a safe space for children to laugh and thrive.